Novi update za No Man’s Sky pod nazivom Visions izlazi sutra, a u nastavku možete saznati što će točno sadržavati.

No Man’s Sky je od ozloglašene igre i personifikacije prevelikog hypea postala izrazito respektabilna igra koja dobiva sjajan novi sadržaj kroz besplatne updateove.

Nakon The Abyss updatea koji je izašao prošli mjesec, Hello Games je najavio novi update na kojemu su radili i koji će izaći sutra.

Visions update 1.75 će učiniti No Man’s Sky univerzum puno raznovrsnijim i raznolikijim, s novim životinjama i neprijateljski nastrojenim biljkama – kao mesožderne biljke i plinovitu floru. Osim toga, update će sadržavati i “osvještene materijale” što opisuje čudnovata izvanzemaljska kamena stvorenja koja će bježati od vašeg lasera ukoliko ih pokušate iskoristiti za rude.

Igrači se mogu radovati i novim bojama neba i trave, kao i novim tipovima vodenih površina, dok su atmosfere i neba generalno unaprijeđena. No možda i najbitniji dio updatea je da će olujna nevremena ponekad rezultirati dugama!

Što se arheološkog aspekta tiče, drevne kosti i egzotični artefakti su dodani na planete i biti će ih moguće izložiti u bazi kao trofeje

Ako vas više interesira monetarni aspekt, Hello Games je dodao određeni risk/reward aspekt u vidu novih artefakata koji se pojavljuju na opasnim planetima koji su izloženi još opasnijim olujama, a ti artefakti će biti itekako vrijedni, ukoliko budete dovoljno hrabri da ih potražite.

Detaljne patch notese možete pročitati u nastavku:

Missions and progress

  • Fixed an issue where players could be prevented from earning a free freighter in the tutorial.
  • Allowed the Dreams of the Deep mission to detect if the a Nautilon Chamber had been built nearby before the mission started.
  • Fixed an issue where missions that visited trade terminals could advance without their objective being completed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented higher level Aeration Membrane upgrade modules from appearing in the Space Station tech shops.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Freighter Hyperdrive upgrade modules from appearing in the Space Station tech shops.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Living Glass blueprint at the correct time.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Exocraft Boost blueprint at the correct time.
  • NipNip blueprints can now be acquired from the Base farmer after their mission chain is complete.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs awarding procedurally generated upgrade modules would select from an insufficiently random pool.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some doors + items that require Atlas Pass v1 from accepting v2 or v3.
  • Adjusted the behaviour of wanted level timers, so that the wanted level decays as the timer does.


  • Improved the appearance of the planetary readout from space.
  • Added a new section to the inventory item popup hinting at the item’s use.
  • Improved the visual feedback when collecting items, especially rare items.
  • Improved the text labels for armoured objects.
  • Added a filter for “Not Owned” to the Quicksilver Shop.
  • Fixed an issue which would allow players to browse their existing fleet whilst purchasing a new frigate.
  • Fixed a rare case where certain game inputs could temporarily fail to be recognised if remapped then reverted to defaults.
  • Prevented an erroneous boost icon appearing while piloting the Nautilon (on PS4 and Xbox One).

Bases and buildings

  • Fixed an issue preventing building multiples of storage container 1 (on PS4 and Xbox One).

Planets and discoveries

  • Fixed an issue where extreme weather planets could fail to generate storms.
  • Improved the distribution of ammonia and uranium on toxic and radioactive planets.
  • Improved some analysis visor text descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator could destroy valuable objects.
  • Fixed an issue where other players’ discoveries could prevent fauna and flora from being scanned with the analysis visor.
  • Added identifiable descriptors for all anomalous planet types.
  • Fixed an issue where resource crystals (eg Di-Hydrogen) could be rediscovered on every planet.
  • Fixed an issue where many minerals would be called Yukovsite.
  • Allowed the torch to be used when exploring crashed freighters.


  • Fixed an issue where exocraft customisation colours could be incorrect until refreshed in the customiser.
  • Fixed a rendering issue with oversized fungi.
  • Fixed an issue where stationary objects could sometimes appear blurred.
  • Improved the draw distance on some exotic planet objects.


  • Fixed some out of memory crashes.
  • Fixed a crash when quitting the game during a gesture.