Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (4) je dobio novi update preko noći koji je dodao par promjena i riješio znatnije crasheve, pogotovo na PC-u.

Iako je Treyarch najavljivao veliki update za igru kasnije ovaj tjedan, nažalost ovaj update nije taj kojemu smo se nadali.

Iako ćemo još pričekati taj update, novi update je fokusiran primarno na online iskustvo, uključujući Blackout. Battle Royale mod je započeo podržavajući maksimalno 88 igrača u duo modu, odnosno 100 u quad modu.

Sada u duo modu mogu igrati do 100 igrača po meču, no quad mode je smanjen na 88 igrača. Najvjerojatniji razlog ove odluke leži u poliranju stabilnosti i mrežnim problemima koji su se pojavljivali u quad mečevima. Nije potpuno jasno hoće li ovaj broj ostati i za ubuduće, no Treyarch napominje da prate feedback u svrhu osiguranja najboljeg mogućeg iskustva.

Feature playlista je promijenjena na 100 igrača za duo mečeve. Team deathmatch playliste od danas podržavaju party od šest igrača, što prije nije bio slučaj. Naravno, ukoliko party od šest igrača pokuša igrati meč od pet igrača, bit ćete obaviješteni.

U nastavku možete pročitati sve ispolirano ili dodano najnovijim updateom.
  • General stability improvements and crash fixes.
  • The Featured playlist tiles for Multiplayer and Blackout have changed. This is part of the regular rotation of Featured playlists – more details to come on how Featured playlists will work in Black Ops 4 in a separate update.


  • 100-Players Duos is now the Featured playlist for Blackout.
  • Quads playlist is now 88 maximum players. We’re continuing to update various game settings to ensure the best experience for all players across all platforms and modes.


  • TDM playlist now supports parties of 6 (was previously 5).
  • Featured playlist changed to Heist.
  • Custom Search and Destroy games will now correctly conclude after one team wins 6 rounds total, fixing an issue where custom games previously ended at round 7.
  • Addressed a crash caused by earning multiple Medals in a match.


  • Addressed a UI error caused by losing Internet connection in split screen.
  • Addressed an issue that caused Hellhounds to exhibit some very… un-doglike behavior.


  • “Object View Distance” setting now properly renders objects further on “High” than on “Low” in Blackout.

Stability improvements (PC)

  • Fixed a crash occurring during initial boot of the game for some users.
  • Fixed a crash when disconnecting from a Blackout match.
  • Fixed a crash occurring when multiple windows were broken simultaneously in a Blackout match.
  • Fixed a crash when browsing unlockable Items.
  • Fixed crashes occurring when changing texture quality.
  • Improved handling of “Out of Memory” errors.