Sredinom tjedna na redovne Overwatch servere napokon je stigla Brigitte, a sada je na PTR servere došao novi poprilično osebujan patch koji donose brojne novosti, ispravke bugova, ali i bitne promjene za nekoliko heroja.

Za početak, valja spomenuti potpuno novu značajku – „Avoid as Teammate“, o kojoj je izašao i razvojni dnevnik putem službenog Overwatch YouTube kanala.

Kako je famozni Jeff „iz Overwatch tima“ Kaplan objasnio u videu, Avoid as Teammate je „društvena“ funkcionalnost pomoću koje možete odabrati do maksimalno dva igrača istovremeno, s kojima se ne želite upariti u timu, zbog ovog ili onog razloga. To će, dakle, omogućiti da vas igrin matchmaking sustav na tjedan dana nikad ne stavi u isti tim s odabranim igračima.

Ostale promjene tiču se, kako smo rekli, većinom samih heroja, ali i ispravaka određenih bugova i poboljšanja korisničkog sučelja. Izdvojit ćemo svakako dobrodošlu mogućnost odabira lika dvoklikom na ikonu heroja na Hero Select ekranu, netom prije samog meča. Jedna iznimno zanimljiva promjena tiče se, pak, mape Blizzard World, na kojoj je prvi checkpoint payloada pomaknut natrag za 10 metara, jer su dosad igrači u napadu zbog dizajna mape na prijašnjem mjestu checkpointa imali blagu prednost nad igračima u obrani, pa će se ovim potezom šanse izjednačiti. No pozabavimo se bitnim promjenama određenih heroja:

D.Va dobiva značajnu promjenu smanjenja eksplozivne štete njezinih mikro raketa sa 6 na 4, što ukupno rezultira s 22% smanjenja štete.

Mei, pak, dobiva pojačanje – njezin Endothermic Blaster od sada će „prolaziti kroz“ neprijatelje, što će joj omogućiti da istovremeno ozlijedi nekoliko neprijatelja skupljenih na jednoj hrpi.

Reaper će postati još bolji zbog nekoliko sitnih promjena u mehanikama – nakon ulte Death Blossom, sačmarice će se automatski reloadati, zbog čega će biti spreman nastaviti s napadom. Brzina kretanja prilikom sposobnosti Wraith Form mu je povećana s 25% na 50%, a lakše taktiziranje donijet će i nova mogućnost obustavljanja te sposobnosti pritiskom tipke.

Poboljšanja na Moiri tiču se prvenstveno poteškoća s vidljivošću tijekom njezinih napada, a Zenyatta dobiva 15% smanjenja brzine ispaljivanja Orb of Destruction.

Izdvojili smo samo neke od ključnih i najzanimljivijih promjena, a u nastavku u cijelosti i originalu prenosimo zapis svih promjena koje donosi novi patch na Overwatch PTR-u:


Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – March 24

Map Updates

Blizzard World

• Moved the first payload checkpoint (Pylon Terrace) back 10 meters

Developer Comments: We moved the checkpoint back for two reasons. The original location swung the map’s balance too far in one direction (favoring the defenders). Also, once the payload reached the checkpoint, defenders returning from spawn could get pinned in this area, usually resulting in their death.

General Updates


• Players can choose to “Avoid as Teammate” with a dropdown menu in the Career Profile

Developer Comments: The addition of the “Avoid as Teammate” option gives players the ability to craft their online gameplay experience. Up to two players can be selected with this feature. If you use the “Avoid as Teammate” option on a player, the matchmaker will no longer place you on a team with the avoided player for one week.

Report Menu

• The “Poor Teamwork” dropdown menu option has been removed
• The “Griefing” dropdown menu option has been renamed “Gameplay Sabotage”

Developer Comments: Due to player confusion about the most appropriate category to report players for poor or toxic gameplay, we are removing the Poor Teamwork option from the reporting system. Players should instead use the Gameplay Sabotage option when players actively harass or disrupt their own team with game mechanics or their actions. Players should not be reported simply for performing poorly, since everyone occasionally has a bad game.


• Sombra: Enemies Hacked” end-of-round card now also displays her offensive assists
• Brigitte: Golden Weapon variant will now also give her a golden shield
• Changed Mercy’s Valkyrie voice line


• Simplified Hero Select tips for roles

Hero Updates

D.Va – Micro Missiles

• Explosive damage reduced from 6 to 4

Developer Comments: D.Va’s burst potential is a bit too high, and her Micro Missiles are a major part of that. Currently each missile deals 3 impact damage and 6 explosive damage. We’re reducing explosive damage from 6 to 4 but leaving the impact damage the same, the net result being 22% damage reduction.

Mei – Endothermic Blaster

• Now pierces through enemies

Developer Comments: This change helps Mei combat multiple targets that are clumped up and also makes it easier to keep her freezing a specific target if another enemy gets in the way. In addition, this change helps her ultimate more consistently be able to freeze more targets, especially if they are near each other. Note: While her shots now pierce enemies, they still do not pierce barriers such as Reinhardt’s shield.


• Death Blossom – Reloads Hellfire Shotguns after use
• Wraith Form – Move speed bonus increased from 25% to 50%
• You can now cancel the ability by pressing the Shift or Primary Fire hotkey

Developer Comments: These changes help Reaper use Wraith Form more consistently as an escape, but they also open up new options, such as chasing down key targets.


• Biotic Grasp – Transparency increased the closer you are to a target
• Coalescence – Now becomes more transparent the closer its visual effects are to a player’s camera
• Fade – Transparency increased the closer you are to a target

Developer Comments: Due to issues with visibility, we have made most of Moira’s visual effects fade away the closer they are to the camera. We have also made modifications to Coalescence to greatly increase the ability for foes and allies alike to see through it when facing it.


• Orb of Destruction – Secondary fire rate of fire reduced by 15%

Developer Comments: Zenyatta is meant to be able to deal a lot of damage, especially for a support, but his alternate fire burst damage was a bit too high. This change keeps the overall damage the same but lowers the DPS slightly and makes it harder to hit multiple shots at very long ranges.

UI Updates


• Heroes can now be selected by double-clicking the hero icon during Hero Select
• Added leaderboard information to the competitive information screen. This can be accessed by right-clicking the menu on the competitive card

Browser and Customer Games


• Lockout Elimination cards in the Arcade are now just referred to as Elimination

Bug Fixes


• Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion from firing projectiles immediately after going into Tank configuration
• Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion from being knocked back while transforming during Configuration: Tank
• Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s impact effects from playing when hitting the environment
• Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s aim to be slightly offset after using Shield Bash
• Fixed a bug that caused a player’s camera to jitter when spectating Doomfist during his Meteor Strike
• Fixed a bug preventing Doomfist’s Meteor Strike from landing where telegraphed while standing close to a ledge
• Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist’s Meteor Strike to access unintended locations
• Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Meteor Strike to penetrate angled surfaces as he descended
• Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from impacting enemies or
• Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat from being knocked back while piloting his RIP-Tire
• Fixed a bug that allowed Orisa’s Halt! to sometimes affect enemy targets behind walls
• Fixed a bug causing McCree’s Peacekeeper to grow substantially during the hero select screen when certain skins were equipped
• Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orb to pass through Mei’s Ice Wall
• Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Recall to activate differently based on the player’s latency